
Hello world!

I am working now on improving my websites, and preparing lawsuits to prosecute our “Government” whenever they “make or enforce” “any Thing… to the Contrary” of these “fundamental principles” of “the common law” and “the supreme Law of the Land”, in these “LawDocs” I carry with me, which my Local Police have told me make “over 90% of what we do” clearly “Unconstitutional” and “deprivation of rights under color of law” to even “neglect to prevent”, as I am working on pointing out here:

And I intend to organize all of this info and links to it on this homepage (which seems easiest to remember) so its easier for everyone to find all this info from this one homepage:

And for anyone wanting to review and/or contribute here I have been collecting evidence of Crimes Against Humanity (like the Covid-19 man-made virus and mRNA bioweapon and more):

And here is a page where I am collecting and organizing “Sources of Authority” I’m using to improve these “LawDocs” and webpages (and future lawsuits to correct our entire govt!):

And here is a list of Patriotic Groups trying to defend our rights which I intend to team up with in all of this work defending our Constitutional Republic and individual Human rights: